Using reference as class members for dependencies

There is no hard and fast rule:
As people have mentioned using references inside objects can cause copy problems (and it does) so it is not a panacea, but for certain situation it can be useful (that is why C++ gives us the option to do it all these different ways). But using RAW pointers is really not an option. If you are dynamically allocating objects then you should always be maintaining them with smart pointers and your object should also be using smart pointers.

For people who demand examples: Streams are always passed and stored as references (as they can't be copied).

Some Comments on your code examples:

Example one and two

Your first example with pointers. Is basically the same as the second example using references. The difference being that a reference can not be NULL. When you pass a reference the object is already alive and thus should have a lifespan greater than the object you are testing already (If it was created on the stack) so it should be safe to keep a reference. If you are dynamically creating pointers as dependencies I would consider using boost::shared_pointer or std::auto_ptr depending if ownership of the dependency is shared or not.

Example Three:

I don't see any great use for your third example. This is because you can not use polymorphic types (If you pass an object derived from Dependency it will be sliced during the copy operation). Thus the code may as well be inside Addict rather than a separate class.

Bill Harlen: (

Not to take anything away from Bill But:

  1. I have never heard of him.
    • He is a Geo-Physists not a computer programmer
    • He recomends programming in Java to improve your C++
    • The languages are now so different in usage that is utterly false).
    • If you want to use references of What to-do/not to-do.
      Then I would pick one of the Big names in the C++ field:


  1. Don't use RAW pointers (when ownership is required)
  2. Do use smart pointers.
  3. Don't copy objects into your object (it will slice).
  4. You can use references (but know the limitations).

My example of Dependency injection using references:

class Lexer
    public: Lexer(std::istream& input,std::ostream& errors);
    ... STUFF
       std::istream&  m_input;
       std::ostream&  m_errors;
class Parser
    public: Parser(Lexer& lexer);
    ..... STUFF
        Lexer&        m_lexer;

int main()
     CLexer  lexer(std::cin,std::cout);  // CLexer derived from Lexer
     CParser parser(lexer);              // CParser derived from Parser


// In test.cpp
int main()
     std::stringstream  testData("XXXXXX");
     std::stringstream  output;
     XLexer  lexer(testData,output);
     XParser parser(lexer);


Summary: If you need to store a reference, store a pointer as a private variable and access it through a method which dereferences it. You can stick a check that the pointer isn't null in the object's invariant.

In depth:

Firstly, storing references in classes makes it impossible to implement a sensible and legal copy constructor or assignment operator, so they should be avoided. It is usually a mistake to use one.

Secondly, the type of pointer/reference passed in to functions and constructors should indicate who has responsibility for freeing the object and how it should be freed:

  • std::auto_ptr - the called function is responsible for freeing, and will do so automatically when it's done. If you need copy semantics, the interface must provide a clone method which should return an auto_ptr.

  • std::shared_ptr - the called function is responsible for freeing, and will do so automatically when it's done and when all other references to the object are gone. If you need shallow copy semantics the compiler generated functions will be fine, if you need deep copying the interface must provide a clone method which should return a shared_ptr.

  • A reference - the caller has responsibility. You don't care - the object may be stack allocated for all you know. In this case you should pass by reference but store by pointer. If you need shallow copy semantics the compiler generated functions will be fine, if you need deep copying you're in trouble.

  • A raw pointer. Who knows? Could be allocated anywhere. Could be null. You might be responsible for freeing it, you might not.

  • Any other smart pointer - it should manage the lifetime for you, but you'll need to look at the documentation to see what the requirements are for copying.

Note that the methods which give you responsibility for freeing the object don't break DI - freeing the object is simply a part of the contract you have with the interface (as you don't need to know anything about the concrete type to free it).

I would steer clear of references as members since they tend to cause no end of headaches if you end up sticking one of your objects in an STL container. I would look into using a combination of boost::shared_ptr for ownership and boost::weak_ptr for dependents.