Using Selenium in Python to click/select a radio button

find_elements_by_css_selector worked for me,


Use CSS Selector or XPath to select by value attribute directly, then click it.

# browser.find_element_by_xpath(".//input[@type='radio' and @value='SRF']").click()

Corrections (but OP should learn how to look up in documentation)

  • In Python binding, find_elements_by_css doesn't exist, it's called find_elements_by_css_selector. One should be able to look at the exception message and look back into documentation here and figure out why.
  • Notice the difference between find_element_by_css_selector and find_elements_by_css_selector? The first one finds the first matching element, the second one finds a list, so you need to use [0] to index. Here is the API documentation. The reason why I use the latter, is because I copied your code, which I shouldn't.

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Selenium webdriver Radio button click

When i used xpath :


radio button not selected

But I used css_selector :


radio button selected