Using Sphinx to automatically generate a separate document for each function

In the answer to Sorting display by class using sphinx with 'autodoc'? it is explained how to generate documentation for classes with one page per class, using autosummary with autosummary_generate=True.

This mechanism works for functions too. Use something like this:

EoN API documentation

.. currentmodule:: EoN

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: functions


You have to enumerate each function in the autosummary directive, but the corresponding *.rst files are generated automatically (in the functions subdirectory).

I think the sphinx-automodapi Sphinx extension may do what you need. Essentially to document a module you would just do:

.. automodapi:: mypackage.mymodule

and it will generate the table and individual pages for each function.

Disclaimer: I am an author of sphinx-automodapi