Variations of an exam

Use mailmerge and declare some fields (\mailfields), define the repetitions (\mailrepeat) and define different sets of parameters (\mailentry).

See the documentation for persuasive examples.

Edit: Here's your example with mailmerge:

\pointname{ pont}
\marginpointname{ pont}
\centerline{\large V. exam -- \field{group} group}
    \question[5]What is the result of $\field{a}\cdot\field{b}$?

This question is the reason for the »variations« feature of exsheets introduced in v0.6. The command \vary is provided which in the default setting has two arguments. The command \variant{<num>} (where <num> is either 1 or 2) will choose if the first or second argument is used.

Here is a use-case example:


  headings = runin-nr ,
  headings-format = \normalfont ,
  points/name = pont/ok % this is what tells me...


% \variant{1} % default
\centerline{\large V. exam -- \vary{A}{B} group}

 What is the result of $\vary{5}{10}\cdot\vary{10}{20}$?

\centerline{\large V. exam -- \vary{A}{B} group}

 What is the result of $\vary{5}{10}\cdot\vary{10}{20}$?


enter image description here

If you wanted more than two variations you could for example issue \SetVariations{3} in the preamble which would cause \vary to have three arguments. <num> in \variant{<num>} now could be 1, 2 or 3.

