VBScript, JScript, Wscript ... oh my

These are all technically the same thing with different syntax. Actually WScript/CScript is the engine, VBScript and JScript are the languages.

Personal opinion only follows: My personal recommendation is JScript because it reminds me more of a real programming language, and makes me want to punch myself in the face less often than VBScript. And given your familiarity with javascript, your best bet is JScript.

Going into a bit more detail about the difference between WScript and CScript as others have: these are your execution platforms for your scripts for the Windows Script Host. They are essentially the same thing, whereas WScript is more GUI oriented, and CScript is more console oriented. If you start the script with CScript, you will see a console window, but you still have access to GUI functionality, whereas if you start with WScript, there is no console window, and many of the default output methods display as windowed objects rather than a line in the console.

If you like JavaScript, you'll probably be ok with JScript. It's a decent language, and certainly more suitable for complex scripts than VBScript.

However, Microsoft1 hates JavaScript, so you'll encounter some APIs that are trivial to use with VBScript but painful to access using JScript. Consider yourself warned...

As snicker notes, WScript is the engine that drives both.

1 Anthropomorphization used to note general lack-luster support; not to be interpreted as evidence of any official policy.

My choice would be WSH using JScript. You could use VBScript, but why, when JScript is available.

Here is a reference for Windows Script Host.