vimscript call vs. execute
From the experience of writing my own plugins and reading the code of others:
is for calling functions, e.g.:
function! s:foo(id)
execute 'buffer' a:id
let target_id = 1
call foo(target_id)
is used for two things:
Construct a string and evaluate it. This is often used to pass arguments to commands:
execute 'source' fnameescape('l:path')
Evaluate the return value of a function (arguably the same):
function! s:bar(id) return 'buffer ' . a:id endfunction let target_id = 1 execute s:bar(target_id)
: Call a function.:exec
: Executes a string as an Ex command. It has the similar meaning ofeval
, etc)
For example:
function! Hello()
echo "hello, world"
call Hello()
exec "call Hello()"