Vimtex and Xelatex
If you are using latexmk
to compile and you use XeLaTeX
for the most of the time, I suggest change the defaut engine for your latexmk, just add one line to you $HOME/.latexmkrc
$pdflatex="xelatex %O %S";
Or you might want to keep pdflatex as your latexmk option. I suggest changing the choice of vimtex: add these lines to your $HOME/.vimrc
let g:vimtex_compiler_latexmk = {
\ 'executable' : 'latexmk',
\ 'options' : [
\ '-xelatex',
\ '-file-line-error',
\ '-synctex=1',
\ '-interaction=nonstopmode',
\ ],
here stands for the options of latexmk
when you use \ll
compile in vim.
You can refer to the Official Document to see more customizations for latexmk.