VueJS - v-bind:style + hover

Improved solution: use CSS custom properties and variables

If you only intend to work with modern/evergreen browsers, then using CSS custom properties and variables is the way to go! You can actually pass CSS custom properties into the :style binding, e.g.

computed: {
  styleObject: function() {
    return {
      '--color': this.button.color,
      '--color-hover': this.button.colorHover

And in your template:

<custom-button :style="styleObject" />

For the CSS, it's just a matter of:

button {
  color: var(--color);

button:hover {
  color: var(--color-hover);

The advantage of this method is that you can scope CSS custom properties, so these variables will only apply to your specific button component when you define the CSS properties at the element level (instead of in :root).

The only drawback is that you have to iteratively declare all the variables in both hover and unhovered states, which can be a little bit cumbersome. However, I see this is a very minor disadvantage, compared to the benefits that you reap from using CSS variables.

See proof-of-concept below:

var customButton = Vue.component('custom-button', {
  template: '#custom-button',
  data() {
    return {
      button: {
        colorBackd: '#1e2021',
        colorBackdHover: '#000000',
        text: 'Results',
        color: '#d3e0ff',
        colorHover: "#ffffff",
        borderColor: '#d3e0ff',
        borderColorHover: "#ffffff"
  computed: {
    styleObject() {
      return {
        '--button-color': this.button.color,
        '--button-background-color': this.button.colorBackd,
        '--button-border-color': this.button.borderColor,
        '--button-color--hover': this.button.colorHover,
        '--button-background-color--hover': this.button.colorBackdHover,
        '--button-border-color': this.button.borderColorHover

new Vue({
  el: '#app'
button {
  color: var(--button-color);
  background-color: var(--button-background-color);
  border-color: var(--button-border-color);

button:hover {
  color: var(--button-color--hover);
  background-color: var(--button-background-color--hover);
  border-color: var(--button-border-color--hover);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">

<script type="text/template" id="custom-button">
  <button type="button" :style="styleObject" class="btn btn-outline-info large-button">
        {{ button.text }}

Original sotluion: use JS-based mouse events

You can store the hovered state of the element in its data, say hoverState. It is set to false by default, and is toggled to true when @mouseenter is fired, and back to false when @mouseleave is triggered:

Then, you can simply bind a computed property to the style attribute, for example, styleObject. In this styleObject, you can return the correct CSS styles depending on the hoverState found in the component's data:

var customButton = Vue.component('custom-button', {
  template: '#custom-button',
  data() {
    return {
      button: {
        colorBackd: '#1e2021',
        colorBackdHover: '#000000',
        text: 'Results',
        color: '#d3e0ff',
        colorHover: "#ffffff",
        borderColor: '#d3e0ff',
        borderColorHover: "#ffffff"
      hoverState: false
  computed: {
    styleObject() {
      var modifier = '';
      if (this.hoverState)
        modifier = 'Hover';
      return {
        color: this.button['color' + modifier],
        backgroundColor: this.button['colorBackd' + modifier],
        borderColor: this.button['borderColor' + modifier]
  methods: {
    updateHoverState(isHover) {
      this.hoverState = isHover;

new Vue({
  el: '#app'
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">

<script type="text/template" id="custom-button">
  <button type="button" :style="styleObject" @mouseenter="updateHoverState(true)" @mouseleave="updateHoverState(false)" class="btn btn-outline-info large-button">
        {{ button.text }}

Other way (using css variables).

You need create HTML with style

     div[vueid=${_uid}] { --btn-hover: ${`Here your hover brush`} }

and inject it into your component.

   <div vueid="_uid">
      <div v-html="styleCode"></div>

Then simply use this variable in static css file to setup button style.

button:hover { background: var(--btn-hover); }

Note: you can describe default variable value in :root selector.

You can assign your Vuejs Component an id and apply the required hover style in a stylesheet.

<button id="styledButton" type="button"
class="btn btn-outline-info large-button">

    {{ button.text }}

then in tag,

styledButton:hover {
color: #FFFFFF

If you want the hover style to contain any dynamic data. make a tag that calls a computed property.



