Wait until a condition is true?
Modern solution using Promise
function waitFor(conditionFunction) {
const poll = resolve => {
if(conditionFunction()) resolve();
else setTimeout(_ => poll(resolve), 400);
return new Promise(poll);
waitFor(_ => flag === true)
.then(_ => console.log('the wait is over!'));
async function demo() {
await waitFor(_ => flag === true);
console.log('the wait is over!');
Arrow Functions
Personally, I use a waitfor()
function which encapsulates a setTimeout()
// function waitfor - Wait until a condition is met
// Needed parameters:
// test: function that returns a value
// expectedValue: the value of the test function we are waiting for
// msec: delay between the calls to test
// callback: function to execute when the condition is met
// Parameters for debugging:
// count: used to count the loops
// source: a string to specify an ID, a message, etc
function waitfor(test, expectedValue, msec, count, source, callback) {
// Check if condition met. If not, re-check later (msec).
while (test() !== expectedValue) {
setTimeout(function() {
waitfor(test, expectedValue, msec, count, source, callback);
}, msec);
// Condition finally met. callback() can be executed.
console.log(source + ': ' + test() + ', expected: ' + expectedValue + ', ' + count + ' loops.');
I use my waitfor()
function in the following way:
var _TIMEOUT = 50; // waitfor test rate [msec]
var bBusy = true; // Busy flag (will be changed somewhere else in the code)
// Test a flag
function _isBusy() {
return bBusy;
// Wait until idle (busy must be false)
waitfor(_isBusy, false, _TIMEOUT, 0, 'play->busy false', function() {
alert('The show can resume !');