Watching './**/*.js' causes excessive CPU usage

gulp v3's watch had known CPU usage issues for almost 5 years. This is because gulp uses polling (fs.watchFile) to detect changes.

  • This has allegedly been fixed in gulp 4.0 (released Dec 2018), but there are reports of similar issues.
  • For versions < 4, the workaround recommendation is to increase the polling interval.'**/*.js', { interval: 2000 }, ...)

    (the default is 100)

  • @Sven's advice is also very sound -- there's likely no reason to watch your node_modules or build folders.

You are watching all .js files in all directories and subdirectories of your project. Which includes node_modules. Depending on how many dependencies you have in your project and how many dependencies those dependencies have etc. you might be watching thousands of .js files.

You should limit your watch glob to only those directories where source files are located:['api/**/*.js', 'app/**/*.js', ...], ['start']);

Alternatively you can try to exclude your node_modules folder and any other folders that don't contain source files (like your build destination folder):['api/**/*.js', '!node_modules/**/*.js', ...], ['start']);