Webpack optimize with UglifyJS plugin causes runtime error

The problem was being caused by the Uglify mangler. Without knowing which variable rename was causing the problem, the solution was to turn off mangling entirely:

new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
  sourceMap: false,
  mangle: false

This should be added as a Webpack Plugin to your config file, eg:

var config = {

  //... various config settings

  plugins: [
    new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
      sourceMap: false,
      mangle: false

For those who deactivated mangle and still have the issue, check if you build with -p parameter. It appears -p also mangle the output, and in my case, I had to switch UflifyJsPlugin mangle to false and build without the -p flag to get it to work (at the cost of an increase of the weight of the js of around 50%)