Wedge with vertical bar

This overlaps three things: wedge/vee, shortmid, and shortmid raised to a correct height. The numbers suit cm and lm fonts, for other fonts they might need to be modified.

See here for a quick course on \ooalign.

enter image description here


  {\@@vertwv{\displaystyle     }{0.38ex}{#1}}%
  {\@@vertwv{\textstyle        }{0.38ex}{#1}}%
  {\@@vertwv{\scriptstyle      }{0.28ex}{#1}}%
\newcommand\vertvee  {\@vertwv\vee  }


\[ a\vertwedge b \neq a\vertvee b \]
\[ \textstyle a\vertwedge b \neq a\vertvee b \]
\[ \scriptstyle a\vertwedge b \neq a\vertvee b \]
\[ \scriptscriptstyle a\vertwedge b \neq a\vertvee b \]


For users of XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX exist with the unicode-math package and the fonts XITS Math, Asana Math and (according to the unciode-math symbol list) Lucida Math the macros

  • \veemidvert and
  • \wedgemidvert

to access these symbols.


\usepackage{amsmath}% not needed but used for this example and the align environment
\setmathfont{XITS Math}
%\setmathfont{Asana Math}
      x \veemidvert y \leq z & \equiv x \leq z \wedge y \leq z \\
    z \leq x \wedgemidvert y & \equiv z \leq x \wedge z \leq y


The top rows show XITS Math, the bottom ones show Asana Math.

enter image description here