Weird keyboard locks in IntelliJ IDEA (delete & arrow keys, etc.)

Just turn off Vim Emulator from Tools like this picture:

enter image description here

This answer on worked for me:

ibus-daemon -rd

I am new to IntelliJ, and had the same problem of deleting by delete. But I just realised that IntelliJ is actually mimicing the keys in Vim.

For example, when some text is highlighted, pressing d deletes the text, pressing y copies (yanks) it, pressing p pastes (puts) it, and pressing i enters the editting (insert) mode.

For navigation, Ctrl+f navigates to the next screen, Ctrl+b navigates to the previous screen, and Shift+g navigates to the end of the file.

All are same as in Vim.

Check idea.log (Help | Reveal Log in ...) for exceptions. If you see PSI/document inconsistency before reparse there, then you are probably affected by this bug.

If there are other exceptions not related to this bug, please send the log to JetBrains technical support.