What are the colours of Lisa's jewelry in portrait room?

For anyone trying to figure this out themselves on a future occasion, it is actually possible for a colorblind person to determine the names of the colors using only the screenshot above and the internet.

If you open the image in an editor, such as the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), you will most likely find a color picker tool. Using this tool it is possible to extract the numerical color value of a pixel in the screenshot. Taking a value just from the center of the necklace yields the color:


this value is not immediately helpful, but there exist websites, such as colorhexa.com, that will give semantic information about that specific color. For example, the page https://www.colorhexa.com/c163d3 describes the color we picked from the image as a "Moderate magenta"

we can do the same for the other pieces of jewelry and get the following:

crown:     55b15a  =  Dark moderate lime green
bracelet:  e0996f  =  Soft orange
necklace:  c163d3  =  Moderate magenta

This technique can be further refined by taking the average of an area of color values to avoid falling for local highlights or shadows, but in this case the simple approach would be enough to get a sufficiently clear idea of the colors to be able to solve the puzzle.

The colours of the jewelry are:

  • Crown is green
  • Necklace is purple
  • Bracelet is orange

If you have a smartphone or similar device, my recommendation would be to install a color picker/detector app that can use the camera. You can then start the app, point it to the relevant section on your screen and it will show you the color, in many cases including a color name:

Screenshot of color detector, pointed at screen with picture

In this case, I pointed my smartphone at the screen with your question.

(FYI, I read about people with color blindness that also use tools like these to pick their clothes!)