What are the option to API gateway with docker?

If you like getting your hands dirty, you could quite easily implement your own simplified API Gateway. I believe this approach perfectly fits into microservice paradigm - implement simple service with limited functionality that does only one thing, but does it well.

I've written a tutorial on this subject (implementing simple API Gateway for Dockerized microservices with Node.js). My example is about 100 lines of JavaScript code, it uses node-docker-monitor to listen to Docker events and http-proxy to handle HTTP requests from the clients.


or alternative solution with SkyDNS and Nginx


I was looking for something similar, including support for rate limiting, UI console, etc. It boils down to a few freemium tools like:

  • apigee
  • mashape
  • apiary
  • 3scale.net

and a few open source ones:

  • tyk
  • kong
  • ApiAxle
  • WSO2
  • API Umbrella

I've decided on tyk since it has a nice UI console and solid docs. All of them were mentioned on Quora, which is nice when you want to go shopping :)