What are the pros and cons of Anchor Modeling?

With respect to point number 4 above. Restatement control is almost finished, such that you will be able to prevent two consecutive identical values over time.

And a general comment, joins are not necessarily a bad thing. Read: Why joins are a good thing.

One of the great benefits of 6NF in Anchor Modeling is non-destructive schema evolution. In other words, every previous version of the database model is available as a subset in the current model. Also, since changes are represented by extensions in the schema (new tables), upgrading a database is almost instantanous and can safely be done online (even in a production environment). This benefit would be lost in 5NF.

In reference to the anchormodeling.com

Here are a few points I am aware of

  1. The number of DB-objects is simply too large to maintain manually, so make sure that you use designer all the time to evolve the schema.

  2. Currently, designer supports fully MS SQL Server, so if you have to port code all the time, you may want to wait until your target DB is fully supported. I know it has Oracle in dropdown box, but ...

  3. Do not expect (nor demand) your developers to understand it, they have to access the model via 5NF views -- which is good. The thing is that tables are loaded via (instead-of-) triggers on views, which may (or may not) be a performance issue.

  4. Expect that you may need to write some extra maintenance procedures (for each temporal attribute) which are not auto-generated (yet). For example, I often need a prune procedure for temporal attributes -- to delete same-value-records for the same ID on two consecutive time-events.

  5. Generated views and queries-over-views resolve nicely, and so will probably anything that you write in the future. However, "other people" will be writing queries on views-over-views-over-views -- which does not always resolve nicely. So expect that you may need to police queries more than usual.

Having sad all that, I have recently used the approach to refactor a section of my warehouse, and it worked like a charm. Admittedly, warehouse does not have most of the problems outlined here.

I would suggest that it is imperative to create a demo-system and test, test, test ..., especially point No 3 -- loading via triggers.

I haven't read any papers on it, but since it's based on 6NF, I'd expect it to suffer from whatever problems follow 6NF.

6NF requires each table consist of a candidate key and no more than one non-key column. So, in the worst case, you'll need nine joins to produce a 10-column result set. But you can also design a database that uses, say, 200 tables that are in 5NF, 30 that are in BCNF, and only 5 that are in 6NF. (I think that would no longer be Anchor Modeling per se, which seems to put all tables in 6NF, but I could be wrong about that.)

The Mythical Man-Month is still relevant here.

The management question, therefore, is not whether to build a pilot system and throw it away. You will do that. The only question is whether to plan in advance to build a throwaway, or to promise to deliver the throwaway to customers.

Fred Brooks, Jr., in The Mythical Man-Month, p 116.

How cheaply can you build a prototype to test your expected worst case?