What does the "default-test" stand for in the maven-surefire plugin

Alternatively to the Stephen's solution, if you don't want the following message to be displayed in the log (which in fact is a bit misleading since you are not skipping tests):

[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ service-template ---
[INFO] Tests are skipped.

...then go this way:


People wanted to have a way to override the default built-in executions of plugins within Maven.

Maven 3 (or it may have been introduced as early as 2.1.0 or 2.2.0) solved this by defining a default execution id for each plugin execution added to the effective pom by the packaging's lifecycle.

The name of this implicit id is always default-_____ I cannot recall the exact rule that it is generated for.

You can therefore override the packaging's injected executions by defining a matching execution.

To solve your case I would either change <id>unit-tests</id> to <id>default-test</id> or add


either will have the same effect, though the <id>unit-tests</id> to <id>default-test</id> solution will be slightly more performant as you only need to invoke two executions of surefire.

The other thing I would point out is you would probably be better off using maven-failsafe-plugin to execute your integration tests as at some point in time you may want to do some stuff pre & post integration testing, and failsafe is designed for that use case (though it should be trivial to switch further down the line)