What is good C# coding style for catching SQLException and retrying

I'd change the exception handling to only retry on certain errors:

These are the basic "retryable" errors

catch (SqlException ex)
    if !(ex.Number == 1205 || ex.Number == 1204 || ... )
    if (retryCount > MAX_RETRY) throw;

Edit, I clean forgot about waits so you don't hammer the SQL box:

  • Add a 500 ms wait on deadlock
  • Add a 5 sec delay on timeout

Edit 2:

I'm a Developer DBA, don't do much C#. My answer was to correct exception processing for the calls...

Thanks for all the feedback. I'm answering this myself so I can incorporate elements from the answers given. Please let me know if I've missed something. My method becomes:

var results = new List<UserSummaryDto>();
Retry<UsersDataContext>(ctx => results = ctx.SearchPhoneList(value, maxRows)
                                            .Select(user => user.ToDto())
return results;

And I've refactored the original method for reuse. Still lots of levels of nesting. It also relies on there being a default constructor for the data context which may be too restrictive. @Martin, I considered including your PreserveStackTrace method but in this case I don't think it really adds enough value - good to know for future reference thanks:

private const int MAX_RETRY = 2;
private const double LONG_WAIT_SECONDS = 5;
private const double SHORT_WAIT_SECONDS = 0.5;
private static readonly TimeSpan longWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(LONG_WAIT_SECONDS);
private static readonly TimeSpan shortWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(SHORT_WAIT_SECONDS);
private enum RetryableSqlErrors
    Timeout = -2,
    NoLock = 1204,
    Deadlock = 1205,
    WordbreakerTimeout = 30053,

private void Retry<T>(Action<T> retryAction) where T : DataContext, new()
    var retryCount = 0;
    using (var ctx = new T())
        for (;;)
            catch (SqlException ex)
                when (ex.Number == (int) RetryableSqlErrors.Timeout &&
                      retryCount < MAX_RETRY)
            catch (SqlException ex)
                when (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(RetryableSqlErrors), ex.Number) &&
                      retryCount < MAX_RETRY)

My enum of retryables for sql looks like this:

SqlConnectionBroken = -1,
SqlTimeout = -2,
SqlOutOfMemory = 701,
SqlOutOfLocks = 1204,
SqlDeadlockVictim = 1205,
SqlLockRequestTimeout = 1222,
SqlTimeoutWaitingForMemoryResource = 8645,
SqlLowMemoryCondition = 8651,
SqlWordbreakerTimeout = 30053



