What is the best way to clip a graphic to a region?

I'm pretty sure this can't be done. As evidence of this I put forward Import[] of .EPS and .PDF with such clipping in it: mathematica imports the shapes unclipped. If there would be some undocumented function to do this clipping, I would assume that Import[] would make use of it.

You can use region functionality (RegionIntersection) to clip primitives, although it will be a bit slow. There are two issues, though.

  1. The output if not always a graphics primitive. Sometimes the output of RegionIntersection is a BooleanRegion object, and these objects don't render inside of Graphics. This can be fixed by using BoundaryDiscretizeRegion to convert to a BoundaryMeshRegion that does render inside of Graphics (in M12). If you are using earlier versions of Mathematica, you can use my answer to Make MeshRegion/BoundaryMeshRegion work as a graphics primitive in M11 to enable them to be rendered in earlier versions of Mathematica as well.

  2. 2 dimensional multi-primitives (e.g., Polygon) lose the edges where the polygons overlap. This can be fixed by converting multi-primitives to lists of single-primitives.

Here is some code that does this:

ClippedPrimitives[prims_, clip_] := prims /. r_?RegionQ :> clipPrimitives[r, clip]

clipPrimitives[p:Polygon[{__?MatrixQ}], clip_] := ClippedPrimitives[Thread[p], clip]

clipPrimitives[prim_, clip_] := Which[
    RegionDisjoint[clip, prim],

    RegionWithin[clip, prim],

        RegionIntersection[prim, clip],
        b_BooleanRegion :> BoundaryDiscretizeRegion[b]

For your example (which will be slow because the world multi-polygon consists of 5809 polygons):

    Green, Rectangle[{-18, 35}, {18, 82}],
    Red, Line[{
        First @ CountryData["World", "Shape"],

enter image description here

