What is the most efficient way to export all constants (Readonly variables) from Perl module

Actual constants:

use constant qw( );
use Exporter qw( import );    


my %constants = (
   MY_CONSTANT1 => 'constant1',
   MY_CONSTANT2 => 'constant2',

push @EXPORT_OK, keys(%constants);

Variables made read-only with Readonly:

use Exporter qw( import );
use Readonly qw( Readonly );


my %constants = (
   MY_CONSTANT1 => 'constant1',
   MY_CONSTANT2 => 'constant2',

for my $name (keys(%constants)) {
   push @EXPORT_OK, '$'.$name;
   no strict 'refs';
   no warnings 'once';
   Readonly($$name, $constants{$name});

If these are constants which may need to to be interpolated into strings etc, consider grouping related constants into a hash, and making the hash constant using Const::Fast. This reduces namespace pollution, allows you to inspect all constants in a specific group etc. For example, consider the READYSTATE enumeration values for IE's ReadyState property. Instead of creating a separate variable, or separate constant function for each value, you could group them in a hash:

package My::Enum;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Exporter qw( import );

use Const::Fast;

const our %READYSTATE => (
    LOADING => 1,
    LOADED => 2,
    COMPLETE => 4,


And, then, you can intuitively use them as in:

use strict;
use warnings;

use My::Enum qw( %READYSTATE );

for my $state (sort { $READYSTATE{$a} <=> $READYSTATE{$b} } keys %READYSTATE) {
    print "READYSTATE_$state is $READYSTATE{$state}\n";

See also Neil Bowers' excellent review on 'CPAN modules for defining constants'.