Is there a way to export my existing connections from MySQL Workbench to Sequel PRO

Unfortunately due to the fact that Sequel Pro does not have option to import connections at all, you will be unable to import the connections.

There are two ways in order to export your connections from MySQL Workbench into a file:

  1. Follow the procedure to export the connections from the menu:

    Open and Select MySQL Workbench > In the Menu bar select Tools > Configuration > Backup Connections

  2. Find the CONNECTIONS.XML file located at

    Users/Username/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench/connections.xml

About Sequel Pro...

  1. The connections strings are stored in the following preference file:


  2. The passwords are stored in the Mac OSX Keychain, which is stored here:


You can import a plist file using Sequel Pro. Click the gear icon in the bottom left.

credit to james-chevalier for showing me how to do this.

sequel pro import screenshot

  1. Open Keychain Access using Alfred.
  2. Find (top right of GUI): sequel
  3. Double-click the result you're looking for... It should be something like root@localhost/
  4. Checkbox Show Password
  5. Type in your Mac password
  6. Enjoy