What is the Scala type mapping for all Spark SQL DataType

For those trying to find the Java types, they're now also hosted at the link from zero323's answer. To document the current revision here:

Data type     |    Value type in Java              |    API to access or create a data type
ByteType      |    byte or Byte                    |    DataTypes.ByteType
ShortType     |    short or Short                  |    DataTypes.ShortType
IntegerType   |    int or Integer                  |    DataTypes.IntegerType
LongType      |    long or Long                    |    DataTypes.LongType
FloatType     |    float or Float                  |    DataTypes.FloatType
DoubleType    |    double or Double                |    DataTypes.DoubleType
DecimalType   |    java.math.BigDecimal            |    DataTypes.createDecimalType() or DataTypes.createDecimalType(precision, scale).
StringType    |    String                          |    DataTypes.StringType
BinaryType    |    byte[]                          |    DataTypes.BinaryType
BooleanType   |    boolean or Boolean              |    DataTypes.BooleanType
TimestampType |    java.sql.Timestamp              |    DataTypes.TimestampType
DateType      |    java.sql.Date                   |    DataTypes.DateType
ArrayType     |    java.util.List                  |    DataTypes.createArrayType(elementType) or DataTypes.createArrayType(elementType, containsNull).
MapType       |    java.util.Map                   |    DataTypes.createMapType(keyType, valueType) or DataTypes.createMapType(keyType, valueType, valueContainsNull)
StructType    |    org.apache.spark.sql.Row        |    DataTypes.createStructType(fields)
StructField   |    The value type in Java of the   |    DataTypes.createStructField(name, dataType, nullable)
              |    data type of this field (For    |
              |    example, int for a StructField  |
              |    with the data type IntegerType) |

One thing of note when working with StructTypes in particular - it appears that, if you wish to declare an empty StructType in another as a placeholder value, you must use a new StructType() rather than the suggested DataTypes.createStructType((StructField)null) to prevent null pointers. Remember to instantiate the nested StructType with StructFields prior to usage.

Directly from the Spark SQL and DataFrame Guide:

Data type       |    Value type in Scala
ByteType        |    Byte   
ShortType       |    Short  
IntegerType     |    Int    
LongType        |    Long   
FloatType       |    Float  
DoubleType      |    Double     
DecimalType     |    java.math.BigDecimal
StringType      |    String
BinaryType      |    Array[Byte]
BooleanType     |    Boolean 
TimestampType   |    java.sql.Timestamp
DateType        |    java.sql.Date
ArrayType       |    scala.collection.Seq   
MapType         |    scala.collection.Map   
StructType      |    org.apache.spark.sql.Row