When should I consider using a in memory database and what are the issue to look out for?

Nobody really answered the question "When should I consider using a in memory database and what are the issue to look out for?" so I'll give it a go.

You should consider an in-memory database if: 1. The target system has data to manage, but no persistent media 2. The performance requirement simply cannot be met with a persistent database

For #1, think of the TV Guide in your set-top box (STB). Low-end STB (i.e. those with no DVR capability) have no persistent storage, and need no persistent storage. But the database for a 400-channel, 14-day TV Guide is non-trivial. There's a performance requirement here, too, because data arrives from the transponder carousel at a high speed and it's a case of 'capture it or wait until the carousel comes around again'. But there's no need for persistence. We've all seen this; when you lose power at your home, when it comes back on the TV Guide says "will be available shortly" because it's provisioning itself from the transponder or cable head-end. Network routers share the same characteristics: no persistent storage, need to be fast, and the database can be provisioned from an external source (peer routers on the network, in this case, to repopulate the routing table).

There are endless examples of #2: Real-time targetting in military systems, high-frequency trading systems, and more.

Regarding the second part of the question, "issue to watch out for": There are many.

Make sure you're evaluating a true in-memory database if you need the performance that only an in-memory database can deliver. Caching a persistent database is not the same. Throwing a persistent database in a RAM-drive is not the same. Using an in-memory database that inherently does transaction logging (like TimesTen) is not the same (even if you log to /dev/null).

Make sure you're evaluating a database system, and not merely a cache (e.g. memcache). A database system will have support for transactions with the ACID properties, multiple indexing options, support concurrent access, and more.

About ACID: in-memory database systems do not lack the 'D' (durability). It simply has to be taken in context. Transactions in a persistent database are durable only so long as the media it's stored on is durable. The same thing is true for in-memory databases. In either case, if you care about durability, you better have a backup.

The trend seems to be to cache aggressively and use the database to populate the cache. Regardless of where the database lives, joins are still expensive so the preference seems to be to do the join once and cache the result in something like Memcached or Velocity.

There are still in-memory databases around and they are used, but it depends upon the context you want to use them. SQLite for example is often used as an in-memory database when testing data layers.

Most probably there are just no mature products of memory databases which could be used as a full replacement for a classic database.

Relational database are a very old concept. Although there were many approaches to move forward and develop new technologies, eg. object oriented databases, the relational databases didn't really change their concepts. Don't expect things to change too fast, since databases didn't change much in the last ten or fifteen years or even longer.

I think, development of technologies is not as fast as one might believe. It takes decades for new concepts to be matured and established. First of all in database technologies, where maturity is much more important then anything else.

In ten or twenty years, databases are probably not the same anymore as they are today. If in-memory databases are the future - nobody can tell this today - they just need some more time to develop.