When will $1^2+2^2+3^2+5^2+7^2+11^2+\cdots\cdots + p^2$ (where $p$ is prime) be greater than $10^{10}$?
Since you mentioned TakeWhile
and FoldWhile
, let me first give you a one-line with NestWhile
(* {823, 10025552438} *)
What follows is my original answer that shows binary search which is not the most appropriate thing in this situation but still very fast.
Consider the vector {a,b,c}
and note that the dot-product of it with itself is a^2+b^2+c^2
. This naturally leads to a simple function that calculates your sum of prime squares:
f[n_] := #.# &[Prime[Range[n]]]
A quick check shows that an upper bound is n=1000
. Now, implement a quick binary search which will converge fast:
search[_, _, lo_, hi_] := {lo + 1, Prime[lo + 1]} /; hi - lo <= 1;
search[f_, goal_, lo_, hi_] := With[{cent = Round[(hi + lo)/2]},
If[f[cent] > goal,
search[f, goal, lo, cent],
search[f, goal, cent, hi]
It starts with a lower and upper bound and always divides this range.
search[f, 10^10, 10, 1000] // AbsoluteTiming
(* {0.00287, {823, 6323}} *)
So the answer is $2^2+3^2\ldots+p_{823}^2$. Note, that I violated your definition since I'm only summing real primes and don't include the 1. The answer is still correct though :) Quick check
(* 10025552442 *)
(* 9985572113 *)
seems correct. You should note that it only took exactly 10 steps. You can show this by introducing a step-variable that is incremented.
Is that it or did I make a silly mistake?
n = 0;
sum = 1; (*for 1^1*)
sum < 10^10,
sum += Prime[++n]^2
sum (*10025552443*)
n (*823*)
Prime[n] (*6323*)
you can try this:
For[{s = 1, n = 1}, s < 10^10, n++, s = s + Prime[n]^2]; {Prime[n - 1],s}