When would you use an additional file descriptor?

Most commands have a single input channel (standard input, file descriptor 0) and a single output channel (standard output, file descriptor 1) or else operate on several files which they open by themselves (so you pass them a file name). (That's in addition from standard error (fd 2), which usually filters up all the way to the user.) It is however sometimes convenient to have a command that acts as a filter from several sources or to several targets. For example, here's a simple script that separates the odd-numbered lines in a file from the even-numbered ones

while IFS= read -r line; do
  printf '%s\n' "$line"
  if IFS= read -r line; then printf '%s\n' "$line" >&3; fi
done >odd.txt 3>even.txt

Now suppose you want to apply a different filter to the odd-number lines and to the even-numbered lines (but not put them back together, that would be a different problem, not feasible from the shell in general). In the shell, you can only pipe a command's standard output to another command; to pipe another file descriptor, you need to redirect it to fd 1 first.

{ while … done | odd-filter >filtered-odd.txt; } 3>&1 | even-filter >filtered-even.txt

Another, simpler use case is filtering the error output of a command.

exec M>&N redirects a file descriptor to another one for the remainder of the script (or until another such command changes the file descriptors again). There is some overlap in functionality between exec M>&N and somecommand M>&N. The exec form is more powerful in that it does not have to be nested:

exec 8<&0 9>&1
exec >output12
exec <input23
exec >&9
exec <&8

Other examples that may be of interest:

  • What does “3>&1 1>&2 2>&3” do in a script? (it swaps stdout with stderr)
  • File descriptors & shell scripting
  • How big is the pipe buffer?
  • Bash script testing if a command has run correctly

And for even more examples:

  • questions tagged io-redirection
  • questions tagged file-descriptors
  • search for examples on this site in the Data Explorer (a public read-only copy of the Stack Exchange database)

P.S. This is a surprising question coming from the author of the most upvoted post on the site that uses redirection through fd 3!

Here's an example of using extra FDs as bash script chattiness control:


log() {
    echo $* >&3
info() {
    echo $* >&4
err() {
    echo $* >&2
debug() {
    echo $* >&5


while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
    case $ARG in
        # More flags
        echo -n
        # Linear args

for i in 1 2 3; do
    fd=$(expr 2 + $i)
    if [[ $VERBOSE -ge $i ]]; then
        eval "exec $fd>&1"
        eval "exec $fd> /dev/null"

err "This will _always_ show up."
log "This is normally displayed, but can be prevented with -q"
info "This will only show up if -v is passed"
debug "This will show up for -vv"

In the context of named pipes (fifos) the use of an additional file descriptor can enable non-blocking piping behaviour.

rm -f fifo
mkfifo fifo
exec 3<fifo   # open fifo for reading
trap "exit" 1 2 3 15
exec cat fifo | nl
) &

exec 3>fifo  # open fifo for writing
trap "exit" 1 2 3 15
while true;
    echo "blah" > fifo
#kill -TERM $bpid

See: Named Pipe closing prematurely in script?