Where can I find unit tests for regular expressions in multiple languages?

Most of those languages are open source. Any decent project should have their test cases in said repo, otherwise I would be pretty concerned.

  • Python's regex tests
  • PHP's regex tests
  • Perl's regex tests looks really extensive
  • Open JDK's unit tests (an open source flavour of Java)
  • Ruby's regex tests
  • Mono's regex tests (open source version of .NET)
  • .NET Core's regex tests
  • RE2's tests (C++ regex engine developed at Google)
  • C test suite (developed by AT&T Research)
  • PCRE regex tests (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions C library)
  • JavaScript regex tests (Ecma Technical Committee 39 compatability suite)

I also found an extensive chart on this page which might be of some help to you.

To have a complete list on one page, I've found the ones omitted from the accepted answer:

  • Mono's regex tests (it's an open source version of .net)
  • PHP's regex tests