Which companions have romance options?

Here's a breakdown of who you can romance based on class (source):

Jedi Knight

  • Kira Carsen (F)
  • Doc (M)

Jedi Consular

  • Zenith (M)
  • Lt. Iresso (M)
  • Tharan Cedrax (M)
  • Nadia Grell (F)

Sith Inquisitor

  • Andronikus Revel (M)
  • Ashara Zavros (F)

Sith Warrior

  • Vette (F)
  • Jaesa Willsaam (F) (dark side only)
  • Malavai Quinn (M)
  • Lieutenant Pierce (M)


  • Aric Jorgan (M)
  • Elara Dorne (F)


  • Corso Riggs (M)
  • Risha (F)
  • Akavi Spaar (F)

Bounty Hunter

  • Mako (F)
  • Torian Caldera (M)

Imperial Agent

  • Kaliyo Djannis (F)
  • Vector Hyllis (M)
  • Ensign Raina Temple (F)

Jedi Knight


  • Kira Carsen (companion)
  • Ranna Tao'Ven, after completing The Face of the Enemy

Republic Trooper


  • Sergeant Jaxo, after meeting her again at the end of the mission on Port Raga: Optional: A Little R and R