Which programming languages have JIT compilers?

The Just-In-Time Compilation article on wikipedia lists several more:

  • GNU lightning - A library that generates assembly language code at run-time
  • Mozilla nanojit - A small, cross-platform C++ library that emits machine code. It is used as the JIT for the Mozilla Tamarin and SpiderMonkey Javascript engines

And several more assemblly emmiters for C++.

As for C# - all .NET languages use the same runtime and jit. VB.NET, C#, F#, IronPython, IronRuby, COBOL.NET and more...

Lua has the impressive LuaJIT.

PLT Scheme has had a JIT for some time now.

I believe both of these are limited to x86.

Strictly speaking, JIT is a property of the runtime, not the language. Pedantic point, but the implication is that any language that runs on a JVM for example can take advantage of the JVM's JIT. Jython, JRuby, Groovy, etc.

Tamarin has a JIT too. I think this can run JavaScript and ActionScript? Not positive...