Why additional #import in bridging header failed in swift?

You need to tell Xcode where to look for the header files you’re listing in the bridging header. Find the Search Paths section, and change the project-level setting for Header Search Paths, adding a recursive entry for the Pods directory. It should be Pods/** now.

In the Bridging Header include with:

#include <STHTTPRequest/STHTTPRequest.h>

or because of recursive search path:

#include <STHTTPRequest.h>

You should add the following header search path: "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/STHTTPRequest"

I added "Pods/Headers/Public" as a recursive entry in the build settings for my project under "Search Paths/User Header Search Paths".

I then can use is standard import format: - #import "AFNetworking/AFNetworking.h"