Why aren't the crashlogs from Testflight symbolicating in Xcode?
Apparently this is a bug that started happening when Apple started accepting bitcode. Not all of the dSYMs are downloaded when you click on 'Download dSYMs…' in the Xcode organizer. Here's how I fixed it:
- Manually downloaded the dSYMs from the build page in iTunes Connect
- Right-clicked on the crash log in Xcode and opened it in Finder
- The xcrashpoint file you'll find is an archive, so right-click and show package contents
- Drill down to your .crash file(s)
- Copy the .crash file(s) to a different directory, for instance the desktop
- Copy the dSYMs folder you downloaded to the same directory
- Open Terminal, cd to the folder
- In terminal, set the developer dir path:
export DEVELOPER_DIR='/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer'
- Then symbolicate the files with (replace your paths and filenames here):
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/symbolicatecrash name_of_crashfile.crash name_of_downloaded_dSYMs_dir/ > output.log
And voila! You have your symbolicated crash log.
I still get this in Xcode 10. As a work around. Add the crash logs to your devices logs and they will be symbolicated. At least in my experience.
Step 1- In Xcode Window>Devices & Simulators [select your device on the left]>view device logs.
Step 2- Then Xcode> Window> Organizer > Crashes tab. Right click a crash and click show in finder. This shows .xccrashpoint files. Right click> show package contents. Drill down into the folders until you see the .crash files. Then drag them into the device logs list we opened in step 1