Why do I get "must override a superclass method" with @Override?

Check the project's properties and verify that Java Compiler -> Compiler compliance level is set to 1.6 (or a later version).

It worked for me... i am using eclipse 2021.... and ..

This is most likely due to a source code level incompatibility between Java 1.5 and 1.6.

  • In Java 5, the @Override annotation requires that the method is actually overriding a method in a superclass.

  • In Java 6 and later, the @Override annotation will also be satisfied if the method is implementing an abstract method in a superclass or interface.

So the most likely reason for seeing this in code that you expect to work is that you are compiling Java 6 (or later) code with a Java 5 compiler (or some other compiler with the compiler's source compliance level set to 5).