Why does ARM have 16 registers?

To choose one of 16 registers you would need 4bit therefore it could be that this is the best match for opcodes (machine commands) otherwise you would have to introduce a more complex instructions set, which would lead to bigger coder which implies additional costs (execution time).

Wikipedia says It has "Fixed instruction width of 32 bits to ease decoding and pipelining" so it is a reasonable tradeoff.

As the number of the general-purpose registers becomes smaller, you need to start using the stack for variables. Using the stack requires more instructions, so code size increases. Using the stack also increases the number of memory accesses, which hurts both performance and power usage. The trade off is that to represent more registers you need more bits in your instruction, and you need more room on the chip for the register file, which increases power requirements. You can see how differing register counts affects code size and the frequency of load/store instructions by compiling the same set of code with different numbers of registers. The result of that type of exercise can be seen in table 1 of this paper:

Extendable Instruction Set Computing

Register   Program   Load/Store  
Count      Size      Frequency  

27 100.00 27.90%
16 101.62 30.22%
8 114.76 44.45%

(They used 27 as a base because that is the number of GPRs available on a MIPS processor)

As you can see, there are only marginal improvements in both programs size and the number of load/stores required as you drop the register count down to 16. The real penalties don't kick in until you drop down to 8 registers. I suspect ARM designers felt that 16 registers was a kind of sweet spot when you were looking for the best performance per watt.

Back in the 80's (IIRC) an academic paper was published that examined a number of different workloads, comparing expected performance benefits of different numbers of registers. This was at a time when RISC processors were transitioning from academic ideas to mainstream hardware, and it was important to decide what was optimal. CPUs were already pulling ahead of memory in speed, and RISC was making this worse by limiting addressing modes and having separate load and store instructions. Having more registers meant you could "cache" more data for immediate access and therefore access main memory less.

Considering only powers of two, it was found that 32 registers was optimal, although 16 wasn't terribly far behind.

32-bit ARM has 16 registers because it only use 4 bits for encoding the register, not because 16 is the ideal number. Likewise x86 has only 8 registers because in history they used 3 bits to encode the register so that some instructions fit in a byte.

That's such a limited number so both x86 and ARM when going to 64-bit doubled the number to 16 and 32 registers respectively. The old ARM instruction encoding has no remaining bit left enough for the larger register number so they must do a trade-off by dropping the ability to execute almost every instruction conditionally and use the 4-bit condition for the new features (that's an oversimplification, in reality it's not exactly like that because the encoding is new, but you do need 3 more bits for the new registers).