Why does xcolor lighten a color when mixed

The xcolor package defines blue as a RGB color and cyan as a CMY color.

To make a mix, xcolor uses the color model of the first color and, if necessary, converts the second color.

To convert the CMY cyan to RGB cyan, you may add \colorlet{cyan}[rgb]{cyan} in your preamble.

    \draw[cyan,fill=cyan] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
    \draw[blue!0.5!cyan,fill=blue!0.5!cyan] (1,0) rectangle (2,1);

Extract from xcolor manual (section 2.3.2 "Meaning of standard color expressions", p. 15, v2.11):

In general, the second color is transformed into the model of the first color then the mix is calculated within that model. Thus, name1!<percent>!name2 and name2!<100-percent>!name1 which should be equivalent theoretically, will not necessarily yield identical visual results.

Here is an example with three rows: default models, pure rgb model and pure cmy model.

enter image description here




    block/.style 2 args={
      draw,right=-.5\pgflinewidth of a,
      text height=.8em,text depth=.2em,text width=3.5cm,
  \node[anchor=base east] (a) {default models};
  \foreach \col/\txtcol in {blue/white,blue!1!cyan/black,cyan!99!blue/white,cyan/white}{

  \node[anchor=base east] (a) at (0,-1) {rgb model};
  \foreach \col/\txtcol in {rgbblue/white,rgbblue!1!rgbcyan/black,rgbcyan!99!rgbblue/black,rgbcyan/black}{

  \node[anchor=base east] (a) at (0,-2) {cmy model};
  \foreach \col/\txtcol in {cmyblue/white,cmyblue!1!cmycyan/white,cmycyan!99!cmyblue/white,cmycyan/white}{

I don't know the details behind this, but blue!1!cyan is not the same as cyan!99!blue.

enter image description here

    \filldraw[blue!1!cyan] (0,0) rectangle (-1,1);
    \filldraw[cyan] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
    \filldraw[cyan!99!blue] (1,0) rectangle (2,1);

No need to use \colorlet. You can also specify directly the color model of the mix ... but anyway macho programmers use only wavelengths. :)

enter image description here




Tikz Pgf