Why is a .bacpac file so small compared to a .bak file of the same database?
file = Schema + Data. Note that Data is BCP'ed out using Native format (not readable by Human).You can rename the
to see the actual contents.You can use
commandline to extract the.bacpac
contents programatically.It is a snapshot that includes User data + Schema from SQL Server or Azure SQL Database.
- Backup (commonly have
extension) = A FULL database backup contains a complete copy of database and provides a single point-in-time to which the database can be restored. A full backup contains some transaction log records so that the restored component (database, file, or filegroup) can be made transactionally consistent.
is not a substitute for a FULL backup. Its just a snapshot that can be used to move a database from one server to another (or to cloud) and archiving an existing database in an open format.
From my test, below are the results