winform move an image inside a picturebox

Not enough reputation to comment but I wanted to add on Ben Black answer if someone ever need more control over the image moving around so you can't move the image past it's borders :

    private void pictureBox1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        Control c = sender as Control;
        if (Dragging && c != null)
            int maxX = pictureBox1.Size.Width * -1 + panel.Size.Width;
            int maxY = pictureBox1.Size.Height * -1 + panel.Size.Height;

            int newposLeft = e.X + c.Left - xPos;
            int newposTop = e.Y + c.Top - yPos;

            if (newposTop > 0)
                newposTop = 0;
            if (newposLeft > 0)
                newposLeft = 0;
            if (newposLeft < maxX)
                newposLeft = maxX;
            if (newposTop < maxY)
                newposTop = maxY;
            c.Top = newposTop;
            c.Left = newposLeft;


I did a little bit of research and apparently moving an image within a PictureBox is no easy task, at the very least I couldn't find anything that would make this possible (not saying there isn't a way to do it though).

However, I came up with a bit of a "workaround", see if this fits your needs. To accomplish this:

  • Create a Panel control, and size it to however much of the image you would like to display
  • Inside that panel place a PictureBox control with your image in it and set the SizeMode property to AutoSize.

Now, put this code in your form

private bool Dragging;
private int xPos;
private int yPos;
private void pictureBox1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Dragging = false; }
private void pictureBox1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
    if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { 
        Dragging = true;
        xPos = e.X;
        yPos = e.Y;
private void pictureBox1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
    Control c = sender as Control;
    if (Dragging && c!= null) {
        c.Top = e.Y + c.Top - yPos;
        c.Left = e.X + c.Left - xPos;

Now whenever you click and drag on the PictureBox, it won't actually move the image within it, but the PictureBox control within the panel. Again, not exactly what you were looking for and I'm not sure how this would convert over to Kinect, but I hope this gets you on the right track.


