Wires do not connect in Circuitikz
Although the answer by Zarko is correct, the problem in your code (apart a bit of strange path building) is this line:
\node (G1) at ([shift=({-1.3cm,0cm})]comp.-) {};
and you can see it if you substitute your code with:
\node [draw=red](G1) at ([shift=({-1.3cm,0cm})]comp.-) {};
which gives:
Nodes have a minimum size, and when they are connected the connection goes to the "neareast" border. This is why in this case you should use \coordinate
, which have no size.
If you insist on nodes, you should then connect to the center
\draw (G1.center) -- (comp.-);
\draw (C) -- (G1.center); % Collegamento Rettificatore - Comparatore
although this is still sub-optimal:
and this is why the accepted solution is better.
Just as an additional bonus, you can use my \coord()
macro to show where your path is going...
\usepackage[siunitx,RPvoltages]{circuitikz} %Circuit Schematics/Diagram
\def\coord(#1){node[circle, red, draw, inner sep=1pt,pin={[red, overlay, inner sep=0.5pt, font=\tiny, pin distance=0.1cm, pin edge={red, overlay,}]45:#1}](#1){}}
% \def\coord(#1){coordinate(#1)}
\path (0,0) \coord (C);
% Comparatore
\path (C) + (0,-1) \coord(1) + (1,0) \coord (com) node[above]{};
\path (com) + (1.5,-1) \coord(3) node[op amp] (comp) {};
% Collegamenti Comparatore
\node [draw=red](G1) at ([shift=({-1.3cm,0cm})]comp.-) {};
\path (G1) \coord(g1 center) (comp.-) \coord(-) (G1.north) \coord(g1 north);
\draw (G1) -- (comp.-);
\node (G2) at ([shift=({-1.3cm,0cm})]comp.+) {};
\draw (G2) -- (comp.+);
\path (G2) \coord(g2 center) (comp.+) \coord(+);
\draw (C) -- (G1); % Collegamento Rettificatore - Comparatore
Sorry. I went lost in your code, so I write new one, which reproduce desired result. I preserve coordinate (C)
regardless that it is not needed for drawing this picture.
\usepackage[siunitx,RPvoltages]{circuitikz} %Circuit Schematics/Diagram
% Collegamenti Comparatore
\node (comp) [op amp, right, anchor=-] {};
\draw (comp.-) -- ++ (-1,0) coordinate (C)
-- ++ ( 0,1)
(comp.+) -- (C |- comp.+)