Wordpress database insert() and update() - using NULL values

If you want it to compatible you would have to SHOW COLUMN and determine ahead if NULL is allowed. If it was allowed then if the value was empty($v) use val = NULL in the query.

$foo = null;
$metakey = "Harriet's Adages";
$metavalue = "WordPress' database interface is like Sunday Morning: Easy.";

if ($foo == null) {
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "
    INSERT INTO $wpdb->postmeta
    ( post_id, meta_key, meta_value, field_with_null )
    VALUES ( %d, %s, %s, NULL )", 
        10, $metakey, $metavalue ) );
} else {
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "
    INSERT INTO $wpdb->postmeta
    ( post_id, meta_key, meta_value, field_with_null )
    VALUES ( %d, %s, %s, %s)", 
        10, $metakey, $metavalue, $foo ) );

Here's a solution to your problem. In "wp-content" folder, create a file named "db.php" and put this code in it:


// setup a dummy wpdb to prevent the default one from being instanciated
$wpdb = new stdclass();

// include the base wpdb class to inherit from
//include ABSPATH . WPINC . "/wp-db.php";

class wpdbfixed extends wpdb
    function insert($table, $data, $format = null) {
        $formats = $format = (array) $format;
        $fields = array_keys($data);
        $formatted_fields = array();
        $real_data = array();
        foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
            if ($data[$field]===null)
                $formatted_fields[] = 'NULL';
            if ( !empty($format) )
                $form = ( $form = array_shift($formats) ) ? $form : $format[0];
            elseif ( isset($this->field_types[$field]) )
                $form = $this->field_types[$field];
                $form = '%s';
            $formatted_fields[] = "'".$form."'";
            $real_data[] = $data[$field];
        //$sql = "INSERT INTO <code>$table</code> (<code>&quot; . implode( '</code>,<code>', $fields ) . &quot;</code>) VALUES (" . implode( ",", $formatted_fields ) . ")";
        $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (" . implode( ',', $fields ) . ") VALUES (" . implode( ",", $formatted_fields ) . ")";
        return $this->query( $this->prepare( $sql, $real_data) );

    function update($table, $data, $where, $format = null, $where_format = null)
        if ( !is_array( $where ) )
            return false;

        $formats = $format = (array) $format;
        $bits = $wheres = array();
        $fields = (array) array_keys($data);
        $real_data = array();
        foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
            if ($data[$field]===null)
                $bits[] = "$field = NULL";
            if ( !empty($format) )
                $form = ( $form = array_shift($formats) ) ? $form : $format[0];
            elseif ( isset($this->field_types[$field]) )
                $form = $this->field_types[$field];
                $form = '%s';
            $bits[] = "$field = {$form}";

            $real_data[] = $data[$field];

        $where_formats = $where_format = (array) $where_format;
        $fields = (array) array_keys($where);
        foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
            if ( !empty($where_format) )
                $form = ( $form = array_shift($where_formats) ) ? $form : $where_format[0];
            elseif ( isset($this->field_types[$field]) )
                $form = $this->field_types[$field];
                $form = '%s';
            $wheres[] = "$field = {$form}";

        $sql = "UPDATE $table SET " . implode( ', ', $bits ) . ' WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', $wheres );

        return $this->query( $this->prepare( $sql, array_merge($real_data, array_values($where))) );


$wpdb = new wpdbfixed(DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST);

In this way you can use null values with wpdb!