Workflow editing software required - recommendation


I've seen WinGraphViz used in a corporate .NET application that used custom workflow- .NET assembly dependency analyser uses it. The application probably won't be suitable for your needs as I assume you want to let the users drag/drop items as opposed to merely viewing the workflow? Whilst this is possible, I'm not sure how smooth it would be!

Anyhow it might open up new doors/new avenues to explore in your quest to find a suitable library.

There are a couple of XPDL tools with graphical editors such as Bonita ProEd:

Bonita ProEd

or Enhydra Shark:

enter image description here

Don't know how user friendly they might be.

There is also YAWL, which has some pretty friendly looking tools.

Skelta is an interesting piece of software. Though we ended up not purchasing because of their odd licensing and pricing model.

I'm very interested to see what you finally settle on to implement this, as we are facing this same challenge, and so far we have settled on rehosting the WF designer.