WSL: Am I running version 1 or version 2?

  1. At a Windows 10 command prompt, run ver. Is the next-to-last numeric group version 18917 or higher? If so, it is possible you have WSL 2 but not yet verified. Go on to step A or B.
    If you do not see Windows version 18917 or higher, you have version 1.
    This illustrates the result when the OS is Build 16299:

    Version 16299

    A. Open Windows PowerShell and enter the command wsl -l -v. If version 2 is installed properly, you will see the version number. If you don't see a version number, or if you see an error message (Thank you, Cornea Valentin) you have version 1. Uninstall it then reinstall it as per

    B. From the WSL shell prompt, run uname. If the kernel version => 4.19, it's WSL Version 2.

Why is this relevant?

WSL 1 was based on Microsoft's Linux-compatible kernel interface, a compatibility translation layer with no Linux kernel code.

WSL 2 was redesigned with a Linux kernel running in a lightweight VM environment, and innovators have found many more things they can do with WSL 2.

Windows 10 Version 2004 (build 19041.153 & later) enhances WSL2 further; see and .

  1. Open PowerShell
  2. Check the version with wsl -l -v
  3. If at version 1, then update the version with wsl --set-version Ubuntu-20.04 2

Note, changing the version of a running OS will terminate it.

If you are not able to update to version 2, then you may not be on the WSL 2 Kernel. This can be downloaded from Microsoft.