Xcode lldb error: can't print out Swift variable - get "$__lldb_injected_self.$__lldb_wrapped_expr_x" instead

As a workaround you can print it in the lldb debugger using:

frame variable variablename

Also possible using shortened syntax for quicker typing

fr v variablename

Since XCode 10.2 an ever simpler lldb syntax is supported:

v variable

Update - new workarounds:

Print stack addresses:

v -L variablename

po like on stack frame variable.property

 v -o variablename.property

Swift like p

e unsafeBitCast(address, to: ClassName.self)

Update2 - new workaround applicable for Swift classes being wrappers of objc classes.


v response
(HTTPURLResponse) response = 0x0000000283ba7640 {

if v works^:

e -l objc -- (int)[0x0000000283ba7640 statusCode]
(int) $2 = 404

I'd appreciate reports what is actually helpful and works. Thanks.

More information on this kind of capabilities can be found here: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/General/Conceptual/lldb-guide/chapters/C5-Examining-The-Call-Stack.html