Xcode/Simulator: How to run older iOS version?
To anyone else who finds this older question, you can now download all old versions.
-> Preferences
-> Components
(Click on Simulators tab).
Install all the versions you want/need.
To show all installed simulators:
Target -> In dropdown "deployment target" choose the installed version with lowest version nr.
You should now see all your available simulators in the dropdown.
XCODE 10.1
1. Goto Xcode -> Preferences (Shortcut CMD,)
2. Select Components
3. Download Simulator version
4. XCode -> Open Developer Tool -> Simulator This will launch Simulator as stand alone application
5 Hardware -> Device -> Manage Devices...
6. Click on + iCon to create new simulator version.
7. Specify Simulator Name, Device Type and Choose OS version from drop down.
8. Click Create.
9. Hardware -> Device -> iOS 11.0 -> iPhone 6
Thats it run enjoy coding!