actuator /refresh is not being provided in SpringBoot 2.0.1

Exposure of endpoints on HTTP is now configurable by using properties


You can expose endpoints by there ID mentioned by Actuator.

# Include all endpoints 
# Exclude specifics 

After a bit of research, I have found the cause why the endpoints are not shown in Spring Boot 2.0 is as per the spring docs

Since Endpoints may contain sensitive information, you should carefully consider when to expose them. The following table shows the default exposure for the built-in endpoints:

so, we need to expose them manually.

I have added management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=* in file and now all the actuator endpoints are exposed via HTTP .

Note: If you are using .yml make sure to use "*" not *

We can also exclude actuator which we don't want to expose using the property management.endpoints.web.exposure.exclude= shutdown,liquibase