Add word under cursor to search pattern
:nnoremap <silent> + :let @/ .= '\\|\<'.expand('<cword>').'\>'<cr>n
That will append the word under the cursor to the search register when '+' is hit, and jump to the next occurrence of any searched pattern.
If you wish to extend it to the visual mode, (as it could be done to n_star), you have
:vnoremap <silent> + <c-\><c-n>:let @/ .= '\\|'.escape(lh#visual#selection(), '/\^$*.[~')<cr>n
With lh#visual#selection()
to fetch the current selection, and escape()
to neutralize some active characters in regexes. v_CTRL-\_CTRL-N
being a safe and silent escape sequence.
Try something like:
- * (to search for a word)
- move somewhere else
:let @/=@/.'\|\<'.expand("<cword>").'\>'
this appends to the previous search pattern the current word under the cursor) with some delimiters (\|
and the word boundaries...)- if you want to, set up a hotkey for it, like:
nnoremap <F4> :let @/.='\\|\<'.expand("<cword>").'\>'<CR>