Alignment of math operators in table environment

I did several things. I edited to force line breaks in the tabular, where appropriate, I used \raisebox to achieve vertical centering of math operators, which I also cast into math mode for proper spacing.

  \caption{This is   some figure side by side}

enter image description here

You may wish to set this like a regular equation, using adjustbox's valign=m to set the images with a vertical anchor point in the middle:

enter image description here



    \includegraphics{example-image-1x1} &=
    \includegraphics{example-image-1x1} +
    \includegraphics{example-image-1x1} +
    \includegraphics{example-image-1x1} + {} \\
    & \phantom{{}={}}
    \includegraphics{example-image-1x1} +
    \includegraphics{example-image-1x1} +
    \includegraphics{example-image-1x1} + {} \\
    & \phantom{{}={}}
    \includegraphics{example-image-1x1} +
    \includegraphics{example-image-1x1} +
  \caption{This is some figure side by side}


The above approach mimics typical mathematical typesetting in terms of spacing around operators, seeing as your are doing exactly that.

Similarly, but with help of adjustbox and `array package:



    \includegraphics[width=\hsize,valign=m]{example-image-a} &=&
    \includegraphics[width=\hsize,valign=m]{example-image}   &+& 
    \includegraphics[width=\hsize,valign=m]{example-image}   &+& 
    \includegraphics[width=\hsize,valign=m]{example-image}   &+  \\[7ex]
    &   &
    \includegraphics[width=\hsize,valign=m]{example-image}   &+&
    \includegraphics[width=\hsize,valign=m]{example-image}   &+&
    \includegraphics[width=\hsize,valign=m]{example-image}   &  \\
 \caption{This is   some figure side by side}

enter image description here