ASCII art for torrent UI

Perl 5, 130 bytes

print$e=("+"."-"x10)x3 ."+
";printf"|$_.exe%4s |%-10s|%-9s |
$e",$|--&&$@++<9?("$@0%","#"x$@,leeching):("","#"x10,seeding)for a..z

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I expect that there are a few bytes that can be golfed, but I've ran out of inspiration.

Short explanations:
$e contains the separation line (+----------+----------+----------+); its construction is straight forward (("+"."-"x10)x3 ."+\n").
Then, I loop over the characters from a to z:
Every time, print "|$_.exe%4s |%-10s|%-9s |\n$e; this is a standard printf with placeholders for strings (%s) and left-padded strings (%-9s).
if $|--&&$@++<9 is true ($| is a special variable that contains either 0 or 1, and decrementing it toggles its value), then the percentage is not 100%, and the three values in the print are "$@0%","#"x$@,leeching ($@0% is actually just $@ . "0" . "%" - remember that $@ was incremented earlier), otherwise, the three values are "","#"x10,seeding).

SOGL V0.12, 90 89 88 bytes

ēz{L┌* +3ΟQķ|;o".exe ”oēI»L*"% |”e» #*lLκ@*"┌5%8'Ω⅞█≡θ¹‘++++e'³>e2\+?X"⅓m÷Ko→∆)№(¤^▒«‘}o

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ē                                 push variable E (default = input, which default is 0) and increase it after (next ē call will result in 1, or next e call - 2)
 z{                               iterate over the lowercase alphabet
   L┌*                            push 10 dashes
       +                          push "+"
        3Ο                        encase 3 copies of the dashes in pluses
          Q                       output in a new line, without popping and without disabling auto-output
           ķ|                     output in a new line "|"
             ;o                   output the current iteration (the alphabet letter)
               ".exe ”o           output ".exe "
                       ē          push E and increase the variable after
                        I         increase it
                         5*       multiply by 5 (every 2 ē calls this gets called)
                           "% |”  push "% |"

e»                                  push (E)/2
   #*                               get that mant "#"s
     l                              get the length of that string
      Lκ                            push 10-length
        @*                          push that many spaces
          "..‘                      push "|leeching  |"
              ++++                  add all those strings on the stack together ((e+1)*5, "% |", "#..#", " .. ", "|leeching |") (done this way to leave the "+-+-+-+" on the stack)
                  e'³>              push e>19
                      e2\           push e divides by 2
                         +          add together (here works like OR)
                          ?         if that then
                           X          remove the added-together string
                            "..‘      push "    |##########|seeding   |"
                                }   END
                                 o  output POP (either the added string or full/seeding version)
implicitly output POP (since none of tTpP were called), which is the separator line

Python 2, 182 177 bytes

Thanks to @officialaimm for shaving off 5 bytes by changing the format of the condition.

for i in range(26):z=i/2+1;print r+"\n|"+chr(97+i)+".exe "+["    |"+10*"#"+"|seeding ",`10*z`+"% |"+z*"#"+(10-z)*" "+"|leeching"][i%2and i<19]+"  |"
print r

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