AutoCompleteTextView onItemSelectedListener does not work

Dude, you will laugh at your mistake. Its working for me. You have added OnItemSelectedListener and not OnItemClickListener.

Your method will only work if you select your items or browse through the view using a trackball or up/down arrows. Use one more value in your String starting with "k" say Karen1. Type "k" and select between Karen and Karen1.You will see that it works. If you want click, then add OnItemClickListener and override

public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1,
                        int arg2, long arg3)

You must use


instead of OnItemSelectedListener

Looks like, of-late, the real problem may not be in the code of the question asked, but in the source code of the AutoCompleteTextView class itself.

Although the AutoCompleteTextView class sets it's OnItemSelectedListener through the setOnItemSelectedListener method, but nowhere in the class any listener method is called. Hence the listener remains unused. (reason best known to developers!)

Source code here:

As such, the alternative is to use the OnItemClickListener.


