Border color only on boxed equation

OK, per request. You most likely want to switch back to the normal color anyway, so

  \boxed{\color{oldcolor} F(x)=\int_{0}^{x}f(t)\,\mathrm{d}t}\color{oldcolor}

enter image description here

Needless to say that there are packages like empheq, tcolorbox and in particular the combination of the two which take care of these things automatically.

I propose to define a colorboxed command, based on \fcolorbox, which has two mandatory argument – the colour of the frame and the content of the frame, and the background of the frame as an optional argument:






enter image description here

For reference, here's a version that uses tcolorbox's tcbhighmath command:

screenshot demonstrating the output using tcbhighmath

    every box/.style={
            highlight math style={sharp corners,colback=white,colframe=magenta},

You might like to see Section 17.1 of the tcolorbox documentation for further reading; in particular, you might like to see \tcboxmath.


