Can someone explain what util.inherits does in more laymans terms?

var util = require('util');

function Person() {
    this.firstname = 'John';
    this.lastname = 'Doe';

Person.prototype.greet = function() {
    console.log('Hello ' + this.firstname + ' ' + this.lastname);

function Policeman() {;
    this.badgenumber = '1234';

util.inherits(Policeman, Person);
var officer = new Policeman();

You can find the implementation of util.inherits here:

exports.inherits = function(ctor, superCtor) {
  ctor.super_ = superCtor;
  ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, {
    constructor: {
      value: ctor,
      enumerable: false,
      writable: true,
      configurable: true

It is essentially doing what you are describing (creating an instance of events.EventEmitter.prototype and setting that as the prototype of MyStream) along with attaching attaching events.EventEmitter to MyStream.super_.

The; invokes the events.EventEmitter constructor so that it gets executed whenever a new MyStream is created. This is equivalent to calling super() in other languages like Java.