Can't open Jupyter notebook with Anaconda

It seems to be a problem with the default installation of Anaconda. So, I removed the pyzmq package, which seems to be the problematic one.

This is what I have done:

  1. conda uninstall pyzmq (This also removes jupyter related packages!)
  2. conda install pyzmq (to reinstall it)
  3. conda install jupyter (to reinstall jupyter related packages)

Now I can open Jupyter Notebook!

I also got somewhat same error today on my system and now it got resolved by following solution.

Please add following in the path variable, it will be resolved thereafter (I just checked):

  • C:\ML\installed_tools\anaconda3 (was already present)
  • C:\ML\installed_tools\anaconda3\Scripts (was already present)
  • C:\ML\installed_tools\anaconda3\Library\bin (added now)
  • C:\ML\installed_tools\anaconda3\Library\mingw-w64\bin (added now)

Refer this link for exact exception which I got (with exact versions of the modules) and resolved thereafter. Above exception might be of older anaconda version but solution should be same.

Here is what worked for me (You have to upgrade pyzmq):

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade pyzmq

After that it worked fine.