Certification and training - Magento 1 vs Magento 2

  1. No, there are no certifications for Magento 2 yet (as of writing). Magento has expressed in various webinars and elsewhere that they won't be creating the certification for M2 until there's a solid base of real-world experience working with it (on the part of merchants and developers).

I expect we will start hearing about it around Imagine 2017 (April). This is purely speculation.

Until then, there is a 'Magento 2 Trained' program, but to my knowledge it is only available to Magento solution partners. https://magento.com/training/catalog/magento-2-trained-partner-program-mp

  1. Not entirely applicable, but this is a matter of preference. Do you work with M1? Then it may be of value.

  2. If you already work with Magento 1 extensively, there is no harm in pursuing certification for it before the M2 certification comes out. A lot of knowledge about how Magento works will translate, so anything you learn in the process will be of value. If you don't have Magento 1 experience and will only be working with Magento 2 going forward, you're probably better off waiting.

This is a pretty common question, so also see the various related questions/answers on the sidebar, including:

  • Magento Developer Certification for Magento 1 or 2
  • Certification - how will magento 2 release affect it?